Often people struggle with how to use social media for their business, finding it a bit overwhelming and not exactly sure where to start, what all of the different platforms are, and where to get the best results for the energy and revenue put into a particular social media vertical.


Course Award: Micro-Credential
Course Duration: 2 Hours
Course Complexity: Beginner*


This micro-credential is a foundational course on Social Media. It provides a broad base of knowledge to allow you or your business to excel by having a clear understanding of the use of social media as well as the different available platforms, and how each can strengthen the other. On completion of this course, you will have the direction and knowledge coupled with the tools and confidence to help you become more focused and effective with social media.

This micro-credential leads on to other short courses within the subject area of Social Media.


*Beginner– Introduces a concept and explores the concept and how it is applied

Intermediate – Explores a concept and builds from an entry-level understanding, through to an advanced level or mastery.

Advanced – Focuses on complexities of subject matter, participants are recommended to have an understanding of subject matter prior to enrolling in course. Typically designed for managers or people with experience in the subject matter.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Social Media 101

  • 2

    Lesson 1

    • What is Social Media?

  • 3

    Lesson 2

    • Social Media in Business

  • 4

    Lesson 3

    • Your brand, your audience, your social media plan

  • 5

    Lesson 4

    • Campaigns, promotions and community

  • 6

    Test your knowledge

    • Instructions before taking the test

    • Test your knowledge

    • Next steps

  • 7

    The boring stuff

    • Learning Vault Copyright Notice