For leaders, having emotional intelligence is essential for success. After all, who is more likely to succeed – a leader who shouts at his team when he’s under stress, or a leader who stays in control, and calmly assesses the situation? This micro-credential build on the previous course ‘Emotional Intelligence – Self’ and looks at how to work with others with differing levels of Emotional Intelligence.


Course Award: Micro-Credential
Course Duration: 1 Hour
Course Complexity: Intermediate


This micro-credential is an Intermediate course on Emotional Intelligence. It builds on pre-existing knowledge of Emotional Intelligence to allow you to understand psychologically how other people think and feel as well as practical takeaways to engage with all people.

This micro-credential is endorsed by the Australian Federations of Travel Agents (AFTA)


Course curriculum

  • 1

    Emotional Intelligence – Others

    • Introduction – Emotional Intelligence Others

    • Emotional Intelligence – For Others

  • 2

    The boring stuff

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